SPINA (Structure Parameter Inference Approach) is a method for calculating constant structure parameters of endocrine feedback control systems from serum or plasma hormone levels obtained in vivo.

A first implementation that has been applied to the in-vivo evaluation of thyroid function allows for calculating the thyroid's maximum secretory capacity (SPINA-GT) and the sum activity of peripheral 5'-deiodinases (SPINA-GD) from concentrations of TSH, FT4 and FT3 that have been determined only once (SPINA Thyr). This method is increasingly used in experimental research and clinical trials.

The second application of SPINA (SPINA Carb) addresses insulin-glucose homeostasis. The method delivers equations for calculating pancreatic beta cell function (SPINA-GBeta) and insulin sensitivity (SPINA-GR). Additionally, it lays the foundation for determining a static disposition index (SPINA-DI). Clinical trials could demonstrate advantages of the new techniques compared to alternative methods.

Additional applications targeting other endocrine feedback loops are currently being developed or prepared, respectively.

Please find current clinical trials on SPINA at spina-studien.medical-cybernetics.de and software at spina.sf.net.


SPINA-GD predicts substitution dose with L-T4 according to trial.

SPINA Thyr 4.0.1 released.

Large study unveils existence of a TSH-T3 shunt in vivo.

SPINA Portal | SPINA Thyr | SPINA Carb | SPINA Cort | SPINA Calc | Imprint | AQUA FONTIS Network

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